that have theirPortion in tiv's life. 339 s. Oh the perplexity of Spirit that anyworldly man will have, when Deathcomes, when he mould fee an end of all the comforts of this world, now farewell houle, and lands, and friends and acquaintance, and all merrymeet- tings, and jovídities, I (hall never havecomfort more ha you. As it was the fpeech of Pope Adrian, when he was to die ; O :bon my foul ! my foul ! rwhitber art thougoing? whi- ther art thougoing? thou Jhalt never have morejells, nor be mer- ry, nor be jocund any more ; whereart thou going ? So may a man that hash his portion in this world Caere, fay at his death, Where is thin poor foul of mine going ? I have li- ved here thus many ycers, and I have had many merry meetings, and I have eaten of the fatteft, and drunk of the fwviceteft, and gone in bravearray, but nowmy day is gone) what shall become (Arne ? whet peace have I now when all is gone ? I remember Latimer hash fuck a ílory in one of his Sermons that he preached before KingEdzvard,he tels a Ro- ry ofa rich man, that when he ley upon his lick bed, there came one to him, and tels him that certainly by all rea- fons they can judgby, That he was like tobe a man for a- nother world,a dead man:Aífoon as ever he hears but theft words, (they are Latimer: words, I only repeat them as his wctds, and they were before a King, and fo they will not be toobroad words, nor too rude to (peak before you; af- Coon as ever he did but hear this) What mud I die ? (end for a Phyfirian ; wounds, Iides,heart; mutt I die ?wound') fides, heart, n:uft I die? and thus he goes on, and there could benothing got from him, but wounds, fides, heart, nufi I die ? mull i die, and go fromall theft?here was all; here is the end of this man, that makes his portion tobe in this world. Another rich man that lived not far from the place that I my fell lived in heretofore, when be heard his fitknefs was deadly, hefends forth bags of money, and hugs them inhis awns ,Oh I muff I leave you 2 Oh ! mail leave you ? And another, .tha,t when he 'lay upon his lick bed,eale for his bags, and lain a bag ofgold tohis heart, and >thetrbidathan take it away, it willot,do, it will do, Min t