340 7'he ?ir1i, f'ery of thof Men do. Another when he layupon his lick bed, his friends came tohim and laid, What lack you ? what would you bave? would you have any Beer ? want youany thing? Oh no, (faith he) I want only one thing, Peace ofCon- fcience ; that I would have : it is not beer, nor frinds, nor an eafie pillow I want,but cafe of Confcience. Oh confider now, whether there be not like tobe perplexity in your Spirits ? 2. You muff becalled to an Accompt for all ; though (as I Could you before) not to aczompt for the right to uke, but for not right, ufing; and dobut now think with your f-Ives, If you now have to much as you cannot reckon,how thenwilll you be able to reckon for it, if you cannot now reckon it ? now you have fo much as you cannot count, howwill you beable to givean accompt ofwhat youbave now, efpecially when you have had no thoughtsof this beforehand ? 3. There is as lift a dreadful portion indeed at the day of judgment ; Oh the theme and confufion that will be upon the faces ofthe men of she world ? efpecially when they (hail fee perhaps their poor neighbors have their por- tion with Chrifi, in glory : perhaps a poor boy, a poor fervent in the houle advanced to glory, aaeithey ítand on the left hand to be cafe out; perhaps form of thc(e poor Fiofpital boyes (hall tae admitted to eternal glory, when as Come of you that are their great Mailers, (hail be cafi out eternally ; and what an infnit theme andconfufion would this be to you ? Oh now I fee what it is to truff inGod, and not to craft in him ; there are happy that would Craft for the future, but I miferable that dare not trufl in him : and then the conclufionwhat will it be ? in Pfalm, i i. 6. 7be Lord will rainfnares andfire andbrimflene, and thk hali be theportion of their cup; here is the portion of the Ungodly at loft : and inMat. 24. 5 z. Appoint him bit portion with ,HypocriteI, where there it weeping and gnafhingofteeth; that is the portionof Hypocrites in the conclufion; Now here thou (sett the End of all, what, do'lt thou_chink thenof thy.