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that have their Portion in this life. 341 thyportion now? Think but ofone text and I have done this, in 703. 27.8. What hope bath an Hypocrite though be bath gained, when Godtake.? away his foul ? Mark, there were many Hypocrites that aimed to Est in the world, and cannot get in the world, God ctoffes them here; well, bat fup- pofe thou ainieft at gain, and canti get what thou would'fl have, thou haft got all thou would'it define, but what hope hath an Hypocrite though he hath gained,though he bath grown never fo rich, and got all he defires, when God takes away his foul ? This time is coming, it will be ere long, and it may be ere long theportionof fore that are here prefent; and perhaps this Text of mine, may then ring in theirears, when they lie upon their lick beds, perhaps within a month or fix wecke, or a quarter of a yeer, when Gods time (hall be , and then this Sermon, Confcience may repeat in your ears; I heard fetch a day, there were ageneration of men, that have their portion in this world, and now I am afraid I am one of them, and there is an end of my portion, only I mutt go to my other portion; that will be very dreadful. But I muff not make amend, till I (hall fpeak (=what of the next, I (hall leave the Point very bare elfe ; I, but who have you fpoke to all this while? Fifthly,Who it the man that bathhis Portion in this world? It is a poor portion you have Pet it out to us,but every one will go away and fay, I hope it is not I, I hope it is not I, I hope God bath a better portion for me then this; therefore give me leave to fpeak in the Name of God to you, and l'le only fpeak fromGod, and out of His Word to you, to point out the man and woman, that is like to have his portion here, living and dying in fuck a Con- dition, I now am (peaking of ; that man that is in fuck a condition I (hall open to you, in the prefént condition wherein he is, is certainly the rman,and the Lord pronoun- ces it thisday, that his portion is in this world. Who is he ? a. That man to whom God givra in thisWe nothing. bun.