342 Tke Mifry of thole Me n but what belongs to his life ; that is the man apparent. ly : if Godgive Ghee thy date, and if Hegive thee not fomewhat betides thy et}ate, a principle that is a feed of Elernal life in thee here in this world , certainly He never intends good to thee in the world to corne ; There are many men have a great deal in this world, and they fey, they hope God will be merciful to them in the world to come ; now this is a certain truth, that man to 'whomGod denies Spiritual mercies in this world, God will deny Eternal mercy tohim in the world co come this therefore thould be thy care, Doch God encreafe my fire in this world ? Oh that the Lord would give a pro- portionablemeafure ofgrace too,elfe it is nothing ; Lord thou giveft me here a great elate, if thou given nor to me grace with it, a proportionable meafure of grace to ufe it to thy glory, I bad better have been without this; Is this thy care ? I put it to thy confcience ; As thy elate encreafes,art thou folicitous at the Throneof grace,that the Lord would give thee a porportionable meafure of grace, to mannage thyelate for His glory ; then peace be to thee, thou art not the man. And then further, you may examin it. 2. By the workingof your hearts about your prefent Portions. As firtl. e. Whether you enjoy what you have for it Pelf, and whether your hearts be terminated in what you do enjoy : One that is godly, and bathhis Portion be yond there things, he enjoyes the Creature; 1 but it is God in it he enjoyes : It is tweet tome, that loan fie and sett the love of God in it : I but a carnal heart enj )ys the creatures, and runs away, and is wrmina- ted there, looks at the Creature, but at limit in God; as divers of your Hofpital Children, here, lookmore ae the Man that were their friends, to bring them into the Hofpital, when theywere Facherlefsand Mother- lets, and Sitterlefs, than they lookat the Founders of the Hofpital, they little think aches), to thank God 46711re.".",norr."z