that have their Portion in this lift. 'S..- 343: God for them, but if they meet with him, that was the next caufe tobring them in, they will thank him for his kindnefs. So it is with men, they look at that Creature that was the fiat means of bringing them in; but a godly heart looks at the root of all : I remem- ber it is (aid of one that came into the Treafuries of Venice, he faw tables of Gold, and Silver there, and he pointe down and looks at the bottomof the table, . and one asked him, Why is your eye faat the bot- tom ? Oh faith he, I am looking at the root ofall this. O t ! alas, it is afmall matter for a man that batha great Trade to have a great Portion : So many men, look not fo much at the Root; whereas a godly man, though he batti buta little, yet he looks at the Root, at the loveof God, and the Covenant ofgrace, that is the Root of all ; and this is the thing that fa- tisfies hit heart : When a man takes a potion ofphy- fick,he puts it into the Poífet-ale, the Poffit-ate is not the thing that makesthePhyfick work, though it is that that is the greater parr, but it is the Phyfictc in it. St) it is the goodnefs of God that fatisfies a garcious heart, and not the Creature that is operative fu much upon agracious heart : and then you may examine-: how your hearts are let upon there things of the World. 2. Whether your hearts go out with full ftrength to them; If youmake your bellies tobe your god, then your end will bedeflru&ion (as the Apoftle (peaks : ) That man that bath his heart (wallowed up in the , ea'th like Corah, Pathan, and Abirans, that were. (wallowed up in theearth, if the thingç of theearth be a gulf to (wallow thy heart np, there is another gulfto (wallow thee uphereafter. 3. How do the lofs of the things of the world take thy' heart? Doft not thoucount thy fell an undone man, when thou haft loft force comforts? Doti not thou> coma home tip thy wife and children, and fay, I am an