344" The Mfry of thofe Men an undone man : Why ? what's the matter? I hive port Come part of my eftate : O carnal heart ! one that la gracious may have force croftes,but no loft sat all, becaufe he enjoyea all in`God, he huhGod tomake upall his lofíes And the truth is, if thouwert truly godly, whatfoever afIttions thou meetefi withal ;(as we fay a man may put all in his eye) foyou may (if you be godly) put all your croftes in your eyes, you are fo far from being undone. And further exatnin,, ",}. Whether theft things of the world, be not the only finable things to your hearts; whether you biefs not your (elves in theft, as inyour happinefs : The Ivic will clafp about a rotten tree, and cannot be taken off it without tearing : And fo the heart ofa world. ling will clafp about thefe rotten comfortsas theon- ly agreeable thing; You may hear them fomeritnes tell with joy, That we were in filch a place, and we were Co merry, and had the braved meeting : And what was there? Why there was tinging, and roa- ring, and blafpheming of the NameofGod, and yet it was the bravefI meeting that couldbe. When did you ever come from an Ordinance of God, and lay, Oh i it was a brave day to me, the Lord hath fpoken to my heart this day : Bid you never go from the Word with as merry a heart, and can rejoyce for it amongft your friends, as you did from a merry mee- ting ? You may fear you are the man, that haveyour portion here. And then this L more citer, for every one to cumin his heart in , and if I were togive but any one Evidence, whether a man hathGrace or no, I would give thisaffoon as any one; A man that bath got tome efiate in the world, I put this to him : 5. What doff thou account to be the chiefeft good of thy eftate, more than thou hadft before,Gor more than another man bath ? Aman that bath got an caste more than he had , or more thanhis brother : there are many good things inhiseilate, that he will think good;