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that have their Portion in this life. good ; Now I may live in better fathion than I could before, now I may have more freedom than I had be- fore, now I may havemore credit in the world than I had before, now I may have my own mind,and fatis- fie myown lufts more than I had before, or thanano- ther man can do ; Is not this the thing thou moll re- joyceff in ? yea, is not this a truth, that fome ofyour hearts, if theywere rippedup, this would be the lan- guage of them; that you muff rejoyce in your edates% bccaats by them you have fuel for your lulls ? A poor man bathnot fo much fuel for his uncleannefs as you have, nor fo much fuel for his lull of prideand ma- lice as you have; and many rich men account the blef- firg,thegood, and happinefs of theireffaces to confifi, in this very thing ; that now they may have a larger (cope for their lufts,thanever they could before; alas a poor man cannot go abroad and drink as you can do, a poor man cannot lay out fo much money on a3 Whore, an unclean wretch, as you can do; and you rejoyce in this : and if this man have not his portion here, what man bath ? the Lord flake fuch a mans heart. But on the other fide, Agracious heart when God bleffes him in this world, though there be but a li{tie grace,it wil work thua,The Lord bath railed my condition above my brother;& therein the Lord gives me a larger opportunity to do him fervice, than my brother hath or than I had before;rhere is fuch a poor man, heiran honed man, but God knows he can do but little in the place where he is, he bath but little meals. but God bath given me means, and this means enlarges my opportunity to doGod fervice, and for thismy foule bleffeth God ; I count my cflate happier in this,becaufe I nowmay beofmore ufe,and do God more fervice than otherwìfe I could do ; haveyott fuch workings in heart, you richmen ? if you hale not never,be at quiet dl you get your hearts working in £his manlier; this will be a blared teftlmony that N n God 345