346 The Mifery of ihafe Men God gives you a portion here, and intends anothct portion for you in the world hereafter. 6. What is that thing that you ftrive romake molt fore? That which a man drives to make moil fure, that he counts his happinefs to confift in ; Oh for thy Land, and Debts, thou ftriveft with all thy might to make that Cure, but as for the matter of thy Salvation, and peace in Chrift,thou haft a good hope in God for, but takeft no pains to make it fore. 7. What doll thou admire molt men for? O ! fuch a man is happy, hehuh fo much coming in, and hath fomuch a yeer : But doff thou call the vileman hap- py ? it is a fign that thou haft not thine eye enlighte- ned by the Spirit ofGod ; but now, Gantt thou look upon even thofethat arepoor,andmean in this world, that have the leaft portion here, yet as molt happy Creatures, becaufe the Lord gives them the Grace of His Spirit; and think, well, 'cis true, I have a greater elate than fuch a poor man that is my neighbor, or than fuch a poorman, but God knows he dothGod more fervice than I do,he prayes more,and more hear- tily inone day than I do in a whol Seer : Oh ! the Lord bath other manner of prayers, and fight come from his poor Cottage, than ever he had from my brave Pallace ; I have myCity-houfe, and Country- boufe, but they were never fo perfum'd with prayers; Some that live in poor Cellers, fend up more prayers, andGodhathmore honor from them, than He bath fromme; in my family (perhaps) there is curting;and blafpheming ofGod ; in fuch poor Cottages there is (perhaps) blefíing, and praitng ofGod. Now fee if thou lookeft upon them as the molt happy people in the world. S. What, art thou careful to lay up for thy Children ? That is like to be thy portion; If the things of the world take up thy care for thy children molt, that is anargument, thou thinkett byChildren have a.good portioe