that have their Portion in this life. portion, if thou canft leave them Co many thoufands, it is like it is thyportion too, if thou counceft it theirs. And then further, 9. Examin thy Cervices what they are : s. Doft thou put off God with flight fervices ? Theft know thy portion is like tobe of Gods flight mer- cies. 2. Art thou hypocritical in thy fervice ? Dot thou aim at thepraife of men in outwardduties ? That is a ftgn thou haft thy reward here. 3. And are thyCervices forc'd, that thou art coma pel'd ? Is it meetly confcience compels thee, and not an inward agreeablenefs between theiframe of thyheart,and holy things? Then it's like a fervents portion is thine, and not a childs portion. so. Further, Haft thou heretofore been a forward Pro- feffor in Religion, and haft thou forfaken thewaits of God ? I'le give you a dreadful Scripture for this, In Jer. 17. 13. Allyou thatforfa4 the Lore), !hall come to be afhamed, and. they that depart fromhim,fhall be written in theearth. All that depart from God fhall be writ- ten in the earth. If thou haft been forward heretofore, and now thou cornett to be more ancient, thou art dead,and dull,and carelefs, here is a Text for thee,go homeand tremble left thou be a man, whole name is written in the earth. it. Doch not God for the prefent Code thy portion ? thou fndeft the more thou haft, the worfe thou gro- well ; As ifa man thonldeat meat at ones table, and afloon as he bath eaten it, begin to (well, he will conclude certainly themeat was poyfoned : Sowhen thy eftate rifes, thy heart rifeth withpride, furely it was poyfoned with the curte ofGod chit was in it. 12 Ecarin thy heart by this , whether bath God convinced thee, of that which flops the great Current of His mercy, I fpake ofeven now ; that foul that bath its portion in this world, looks no furthr Coda N n z 347 w....-w,.á.._