348 The Mifery of thof Men Gods general bounty,and looksnot towhatflops the great Current ofGodsgrace, he is not brought to be fenfblc ofhis need of Chrift, and of his fatisfa&ion unto Divine juftice; but now the heart ofGod intends Eternal good too, Inch a heart the Lord caufes to un- derhand that there is fuch an infinite breach between God and it, as cannot be made up, but only by the Mediation of the Son of God ; and therefore Lord, it is not in any righceoufnefs of mine, not inany thingof any creature in Heaven and Earth can do ir, that I expe& to have my portion from, but in the Mediationof theSon of God; that I lookafter, and my heart clofea with that Mediation, and I look up- on thatas the fprïng of all my worth ; He is a man indeed that is not like to have his portion in this world, and l'le only name that one more, What fai- efi thou to this ? 13. That man that (pends his dales without having, fotne fear, left God fhould put him off with the things of this world ; there may be fome danger of that : Jude, Y 2 . it is laid of Come, That they didfeed themfelves without fear. You can go now to a merry meeting, and can go and fled upon the cheer, and you eat without fear,you'l never haveEach a thought in your heart, What if God fhould put me off with there things ? ;I heat indeed there arefome men arc put off fo, what if it fhould prove tobe my portion? whata sufferablecreature were I ? I fear there are fonse men never had fuch a thought in their lives ; What if it fhould prove fo, what a miferable creature were I ? Thewickedare defcribed to be men that eat without fear; and thus we have done the FifthThing : There is only the Sixth, and that is, Sixthly. Exhortation teyeu all, and then I have done all : And this Exhortation it muttbe divided. Eirff,