that have their Portionin this life. 349 Firft, Vntoyou that have forme Evidences that God hash givenyou a better Portion, tbaGod bathnot putyouof with the Portion oftbiü world. 1. Oh blefs the Lord for His goodncfs to you; the Lord He hash {hewed you better things than thefe are, your line is fallen into a good ground, you have a goodly inheritance. When David looked at the profperity of wic- ked men, his conclufion is, in Pfal. 73.13. Ilhaveclenfed my heart in vain, andwafbedmy hands in innocency ; butguide me with Thy Counfel, and afterward bring me to Thy glory. 2. Be content with thy portion here, do not murmur änd repine, for though thou haft not fo much,as others have, yet thou hail that that wil make thee happy for ever; I remember thaa_JJeron in one of his Epifiles, tells of one Dydirnur, ttna Was a learned godly Preacher, bublind ;. Alexander ctiMerio hire,, meeting of him, and asks him, What, arey*ou not tro:;bled for want of fight? And he in- deed conf .ff; d, it was a very fore aff i ion tohim; then Alexander begins and chides him, What bath God given you that that is the excellenecyoan Apoftle, of a Mini(ler of Chrift, and are you troubled for want of your fight, that a pifmìre may have, that a brute beafi, yea the very Pifmires; the want of thy fight, ofthat that Mice and Rata may have? are you troubled at that, and rather not taught for to blefs God that bath given you fogreat a mercy, as to make you Inch an infirument in his fervice ? So may I fay to you that are godly,Hath Godgiven you Jefus Chrifi ?` hash Godgiven you His Son ? hash He given you His Spi- rit ? bath He given youHimfelf to beyour portion ? And are you troubled that you have no more of that that beafts may have as well as your felves ? Oh be a(hamed of any mournful difcontentments for want of the comfortsofthis world. And then; 3. Do not envy at any wicked men for their portion. I remember ílvey that I hays heard ofa poor Souldier, that