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350 The M f ry of thefe Melt that was condemned todie, meerly for taking a bunch of Grapes from a Vine; for there was a ariaLaw, that who- forver lhould take any thing from that place they went thorough, fhould die for it ; and he had taken a bunch of Grapes, and he was condemned to die, and as he went to Execution, he went eating of the bunch of Grapes, and tome came to him,and laid, Thou ihould'íl think offome- what elfe : he anfwered, I befeech you Sirs, do not envie me myGrapes they will colt me dear. So may I fay of all the men of the world, we have noneed toenvie them for any thing they have, it will coil them very dear. And lalily. 4. Doyou live like fuch as God bath not put offwith the Portion of this world ? Manifeflit in your converfati- one, that you look forhigher and better things, than the things of this world,fhew they are but flight in your eyes : Zebulun and Naphtali did jeobard their lives, they did look upon their lives is little worth for that caufe : So look upon your eftates as difpicable, be willing to im- prove them all for the publick good, in a publick caufe, yea, to jeobard not Hates only, but your Names,youc Li- berties, and your Lives; and thofe that (hall dolt), thofe whom God bath givenhearts co do fo atnongf} you, per- haps fome ofyou may look opon them , as men in a fad condition, Oh Inch a man in fuch a place,is look'dupon, . and he is like to be undone, if not his life in danger ; but fuch a one that fhall out of a good principle be willing to venture his life and etlate; and appear in a good Cattle, that man fhaIl be molt honored, and look'd upon as the moil happy man of all ; and indeed herein he flews him- felt to be a man that looks foran higher portion than there thing,- here : as thole in Heb, 1 i. 14. By that sheyPaid and did, they Jbeseedplainly, they lookedfor another Country. So, fee y ou men that might liveas comfortably foroutward things as you, and (did their confciences give way) they could be as quiet as you, but confcience puts them upon it, that tie- ing God call then to a publick place, they íhould becon- tent