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that have their Portionin this life. 351 tent toput all at Gods feet ; now thoughyou may think it hard, and they are in moft danger , they fhew plag:ly theyare menof another country, and fliould be moft ho- nored : and take but this principle with you, The more any one gives up his effete, the more comfort hehath in his elate, whether in the enjoyment of it, or in the lofs of it : Iexprefs it thou;, When one reñigns up all he hath, his Ellett, Liberty, Name, Life to God, the oftener it comes intoGods hands, the better it comes when God gives him them again ; A carnal heart when once he hath Chef things, he will not truft God wich them, but hewill have them at his own keeping : but now a gracious heart , though he hash all there from God, yet every day he is willing togiveup all to God, and to craft God wich them again ; though he be a rich man, he is willing every day to come and beg his bread at his fathers gyre, and give . up all ; now he gives up all in the truth of his heart to God, and Godgives him it all again ; fo long as in a law- ful way he enjoyes it, he bath it afrefh from God ; now this I fiy, The oftner any thing comes out of Gods hand, . the fceeter andbetter it is : wicked mens effaces come but once our of Gods bands , and therefore there is not fo much comfort in them ; but a godly mans efate corrset an hundred and an hundred times fromGod, for every refig- nation gives it toGod, and God gives is him again ; and therein is comfort : and Oh ! bleffed are they that live fo, as that they declare they look for another Country, and that their Portion is not here; let the men of the world . think them foolifh, that theywill venture thimfelves fo ;. God andHis Saints,have declared chat. their Portion is not here. Secondly, To you all ; theword of Exhortation from God is : That every one in this Place would put on to makemore Pure of another Portion, befidet the Portion here' in the world. Put on Why,