The Mifery of thofe Men Firff, You are all madecapable of higher and better things than the things of the world are ; never a one here, but bath an immortal foul , and therefore is capable of communion with Father, Son, and holy Ghoft, and that is another manner of bufinefs, than to eat and drink, and have pleafure with the fie h here a while ; Hath God made your Natures capableof fuchglory ? Do not debate your (elver, and that Humanity God hath put intoyou, tofa- tisfie your felves with husks,when there is meat enough in your fathers houfe ; and He maybeyour father for ought I know : and therefore, put on. And, Secondly, Let thepoore[t fort put on, tohave but a little portion here, yet there is as fair a way for you to have the God of Heaven and Earth to be your Portion, to have whatfoever jefa3 Chrift hath purchafed by His blood to be your Portion, to have Heaven, and Eternity, and f mmor- tallity to be your Portion 3 (I fay) there is as fair a way for it,as for the greatetl Prince in theEarth ; you may come to have a Portion : Here indeed many a poor Apprentife may fay, My Fhcher is dead,and bath left me no Portion. I but you that are poor Apprcntifes and other, and the poor Hofpital Boys, that live upon Charity, it's poffïble Tome poor wretches there may have their portion inGod, and Chritl, and Immortallity,as wel as the grea eft and ri- che(} of all ; therefore raffe up your hearts here, you that are the pooreft and meaneft ; and know, you are born for high things: If I fhould come and tell one that is a poor Boy in a blewCoat; Whatfoever you are now, there is fuch a rich man will adopt you to behis Child, andmake you hisHeir; that would ralle up his heart : Well, how meanly foever you live now, you may be a glorious Crea- ture hereafter; iffo be you have an heats to put upon ir, and to leek after it for your portion: Then you'l fay, Lord, what fhould Wedo, that our portion fhould bean higher portion than in this world I The Fir& thing I would put you upon, is this : I. Let the Whole Courfeof your lifebePeered (a it'wzre) with 4