thathave their Portion inthis life. with the fear of God, left that thisfÇould be all tbatyou have; as it was a fign before, fo now I may make ufe ofit as a means ; (I fay) let your cowrie oflife be fteer'd (as it were) with the fear of God, left that God with this should put you off: hold forth this in every a&ion, that any one may fee by your Converfation, finely thisman, this wo- man hash fome fears, let} God fhould put them offwith a portion in this world : And efpecially you that have great portions in this life, and you knowyou have done God little fervice; you know there are many poor peo- ple that live upon Alms have doneGod more fervice than you ; you have mefl caute to fear : They that are Rulers, and Governours have molt cause to fear, unlefs they have mighty goodevidence in their hearts : Chryfoftom up on the 13. of the Hebrews, fpeakingofthofe that areGo- vernours ; Iwonder that any Governour fhould hePaved : he bath Cuch a fpeech there : wewill not fay fo, but he faith fo, there is a great deal of hazard : Chrift tels us too,that a man that bath a great portion in this world, though it's poffible he may have more hereafter, yet it is doubtful. It is the Counfelof one,toaKing of Portingal, (faith he)I de- lire you to grant me this favor, that every dayyou would but think of this Text, What profits it a man, Ifbefbould gain the whol world, and lofe his ownfoul. Spend Come little timeevery day, to thinkofthis Text, and pray toGod that he would give you, the true underftanding and fente of this Text, and let itbe theconclufionofal your paryers, that God would Phew you what there is in the Text, what fltall it profit a man, if he (hall gain the whol wotid, and lofe his own foul; The fame counfel Igive toyou, Daily pray to God, make you understand what there is in this Text, that there are men that have their portion in this world. 2. Labor to take offyour hearts from all ibefe outwardcomforts that are here ; take off your spirits - He that will be richfall fall into many temptations: Know it is not neceffary (fo you Mould conclude every one in your own hearts, it is not e 353