354 The Wiry of thofe Met rceffary Mouldhave date in this world, but it is ncceffa. cy I fhould make my peace upwithGod : it is muff-ay I Mould provide for my foul, but how things are with me here there is nogreat neceffity. And then ; 3. Set yo theglory of Heavenand Eternity daily beforeyour ges, and be trading for higher things than thefe are : you that aregreat Merchants, you are trading for thoufands ; when as many poor people How that go up and down in the greets, and cry fame mean thing, they think well if they can get eighteen pence in a whol day, carrying things up- on their heads, and crying in the fireas : but a rich Mer- chant can go out in the morning, and make a bargain, and perhaps get five hundred pound in an hour : he it tra- f ' ding for fomewhat like. So the men of this world arc likethe poor women that go with ehingt,about upon their heads, and get eighteen pence in a day ; but a godly man hsth communion with God, and in a quarter of an hour gas that hewould not lofe for hundreds, nor for thou- lands. It was a fpeech ofCleopatra toAnthony ; Why An- thony thou art not to fifh for Gudgeons, and 'trouts, but thou art toangle for Collies, andTowers, and Forts, and Cities, thou art to fifh for them ; fo may I fay, If thou haft an immortal foul within thee, thou art not fo much to angle for to make provifion for the fiefh, for meat and drink, and eloathes, &e. but for Heaven, and Immortality , let that continually before thine eyes. And thenext thing is this. 4. Honor Godwith tby fubfiancebere ; lay out thy portion hereforGod : and Oh that I could but convince you of one Principle of Divinity more, and that is this , That there is more excellency and good in one vertuous AEti- on, than there is in all thecreatures in Heaven andEarth, (betides the works of Angels and others of the Saints; excepting them :) Take all Creatures, Sun, Moon, Stara, Seas, Earth, all the riches in the world, Pearls, put all together, this is the true Divinity , (I fay) that there is more excellencie in one vertuoue Aasion a tbxn there is if