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that have their Portion inthis life. if thou had1 all these things tobe thy pofreffton ; Ifmen were convinced of this, they would be abundant in good works then : Thou thinkeft it a brave thing, thou haft fo much coming in by the peer; dobut onegood aâion for God out of an upright principle, and there is more exceI- lwcy in that one a&ion, than there is in thy eflate, if thou hadfl ten thousand times moreadded to it: 'Certainly,this will make them that are rich, to be rich in good works; fo the Scripture faith, Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be rich in good work!: There is a richnefs ingood works, as well as in an eflate; Oh ! improve, lay out thy effete for God : Ambrofa I remember upon that place, his Sermons upon therich man, faith he, Is it not more honor thatfo many children(hall askofyou as theirfather, than thatfi manypieces ofgold (hall call you their lord ? There pieces of ,gold they do (as it were) call you lord: and there are two or three children (hall call you father; Is there not more excellency to have a couple of poor Orphants while you are alive in this world, to call you father, than to have fomany bags of gold cal you mafler ? Oh therfore layout yourPortion, Give aportion tofixand to feeven. In 2 Cor. 9.8. there the Apofile tels the Corinthians, that Godfhould make them abundant in all Grace ; fillyou with Grace thatyou may a- bound in allfuficiency : But what for ? In the n. verb. be- ing enriched in every thing in all bountifulnef ; and then verfe 12. for theadminifiration of this fervice; that you may be enri- chedin all bountifulnefi ; Wherefore? for the adminiftration of this fervice : Now the words in the Greek are, for the ad- minifiration of this Leturgie : Co the wordsare in the Greek, that you may abound, and have all grace to abound in the adminifiration of this Leturgie. My brethren, Oh how happy were it if fo be that men were plentiful in this Divine Service, that I am (peaking of, and well verc'd in this Leturgie : the Apoflle cals bounty, a leturgie, the fer- vice of God, that ie Divine Service indeed, that is a hap- py Leturgie to be well verc'd in, and to be abundantly vcrc'd in this kindof Leturgie ; for fo the words are in the 0 0 3 Greek 355