356 the Mi er o f tho a Men Iy f Greek ; and then again, Ifyou wouldnot be put offwith this portion in theworld; 5. Before that all the fervicesyouperform to God be chokefer. vices ; If you expo& choice mercies, let your fervices be choice fervices; be furs your works be fupernatural works; You'l fay, How (hall I know that ? If I had time I could make it out clter to you, but only thus, A fupernatural work is that whichhath a lupernatural Principle, aims at afupernatural End, and done in a fupernatural manner; A fupernatural Principle, that is grace that makes it fu- table to my heart, and not only that I do it out ofcovi- &ionofconfcience; and afupernatural End, that I aim at God, and not at my (elf ; but the fupernatural manner, what is that ? I remember Seneca ingiving ofhisrule, how to know the affc&ions, when they areNatural, and when not, (faith he) you fhall know a natural affc&ion by this, Ifit be k pt withinbounds, it is natural ; ifit be out ofboundf, it is not natural : l'lemake ufe of it in another way, V' hen you come to the fervice ofGod, if you think to limit God in His Cervice, this is but a natural fervice, you will go fo far, and there flop ? but if it be fupernatural fervice, you will let out your hearts (if it were poffible) infinitly to God; you cannot be infinite, that's true; but you will propound no bounds, no limits to your fervice ; and this is indeed thetruth of Grace, when it bath the impreffion of Gods infinitudeupon it ; Gods infinitnefs is that,wherc- by He is without all limits; So where God fete no limits, there the foul is without all limits, and bounds in the wky of Grace; that is, defines to anfwer God (Kit were poffible) byan infinite way ; there are fupernatural works: And then , Would you not have your Portion in this world ? 9. Be willing to cart away whatever ofyour portionyou bave got finfaslly : lin the Name ofGod charge this as a (pecial thing to takehome withyou ; whatfoever man or woman in this place, would not have his portion in this world, but would have his portion la the world to come, what- Coeur