that have their Portion in this life. 357 foever ofhis portion he hash got in a finful way , caft it a- way prefently, never íleep with it, lie not down one night with it : That's an old rule, but a true one, MI the re- pentance you have in theworld, and all your forrowing for your fin, will never obtain pardon without reflicuci- on, if you be able; LLnlefs you do what you arc able to refore, you can never have comfort, or the pardon of that fin; If you have got it when you were young, Ap- prentices, first fet up, a way with it, elfe it will (poil all, you will never have anyother portion from God ; There handsof mine hadonce that given to them, to be a means to convey, to reftore that which was got wrongfully, fifty mu before, the wrong was done fifty ycers ago, and 1W, fiftyyears, the Confcience of the man troubles him , and he comes to bring , to rebore that wrong, and dcfres it may be conveyed to Inch a place, wheee he had done wrong ; know therefore, that all the tweet; models that any time you have fo delightfully got down, they muff tip again, and therefore willingly let them go up ; refolve before you go out ofthis p1ac, whatfoever thou haft gotten wrongfully, never keep it againft thy will, but do it willingly, elfe thou canft not have any comfort in the portion thou haft, nor have any portion in the world to come ; if there be any true Divinity in theworld, this is true Divinity ; andyet it is hard to con- vince any Covetous men, that have got much this way ; and if therebe anywrong, thofe that have done wrong in things be trufted to them, as thofe that arc Matters of Ho- fpitals, be fure you keep not that, for certainly you'l curfe the time you ever took it ; and therefore let the charge of God be firong upon you this day, to cart out whatfoever you have got falfly. I read in a foxy of one that upon a time, hearing that place of Scripture, in Ifi.5.8. read, Wo to them that joyn houfe tohoufe : i;- burfisout into a Ioud cry, If wo be to them that joyn houfe to houfe, Then two to me, and to my children. So upon this that you hear this day, There area company {hat have their portion in this world, and