3 58 The 3Vlifery of thole Men and efpecially thofe that will keep any thing they have wrongfully got, many may have caufe to fay, Wo to us then, and unto our children. 7. Be willing to joyn with thofe that have suffered for God ; If you would have your portion in another life, be willing to joyn with the fufferers for Cheiff; So 1f.1'g . Tel did, though he were in the way to preferment, yet he did chufe rather to fuller aflíi&ion with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures off n for a seafon ; joyn rather with them, than with jolly blades of the world ; It is fafer to joyn with the fufferers, than to joyn with thole that are the jolly and brave (pinks. And fo I h vc done, only defring that the Lord would fettle all ; upon your spirits ; If fo be, becaufe something may n t be (o pleafing to the pallat of every one , as tome other, but if for that you should rejcia what bath been raid, and go a- way, and flight this Word of God, know that this Text ,oneday, may prove to be as fcalding lead in your Con(ci- ences; and that that is Paid concerningDoeg, in Pfalm, 57. 2. may prove to be your portion; it is fpoken ofDoeg; Ibis is the man (faiththe Pfalnaifl) that did not make God his sruft, but trufted in his great riches ; this is the man ; Soyou maybe pointed out one day, This is theman : Doeg was a great Courtier, and becaufe he was anOfficer of King Sails, and becaufe he hadhis favour, he trufted in the fa- vour ofthe King, and in his riches, and what did he care for David ? Yea, by theText it appears he was one that madeCome (hewofReligion too, in the i of Sam. 21.7. He was detainedbefore the Lord: Tremelius thinks, either out of tome Religious vow, or to keep the Sabbath, or somewhat concerning the Law, he was detained before theLord, and yet hewas a vile Malignant againft David, and all becaufe he trifled in the great countenance hehad at Court : Now this is the man that made not God his truft, but that trufted in his great riches : the Lord forbid this Scripture Ihouldbe madetrue ofany of you ; I leave this Text with you that are rich then, take heed you true not inyour great