1t b E. Mixture What mixture ie in worldly por- 3 36 1 fions Monf}ers 1 Bard,hearted Chrifiians are I woniler$ Mofea, fee Law 71 1 N Nature light of Nature, its extent. 33 Difference between the light of Nature before thefall, and fince 41 Light of Nature floewt force. thing of the rnercie of God. 69 Neceffity, fee Faith O Obedience The Obedience ofa Beleever, zs of an higher nature than 4 darns in loia innocency 44 Obferving Obferving dales forbidden: 98 Old, fee Cuftorns Opinione What Opinioni are nwt tobe tel lowed 327 Oppofecf - worldoppofed to Saints alt. ()sedating, fee Viltation. polowsImilm....)1___.____. Page P Papilla Papilla reproved 287 Parldament ThePARLIAMENT defen- ded 324 Partition The partition wall between 7env and Gentile , taken down 66 Peace We fhould lovepeace 65 Peace with our Brethren, what it fhould be 68 Difference between the worlds peace andCbrifls 155 Why menfhould have peace upon any terms 323 See God, and Seek People Why Gods People are mean in this world 277 Petfe&ion Pere&ion comes by fuffering Perrecution Perfecutior. nil/an/lull Perfecùtion oppofed Pope A mortal choice of Popes; 328 Pardon W zvickd, men have a portion 3°4 `T»é melds pflrtión deferihed. 3a9' Rules: 279 283 326=: