Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

Gof jel-CoxverfRtion. IS nor of Relilgion from one generation to another : Heretofore there were fome godly people that liv'd, and they kept up (in their generation) thehonor of the profeffion of Religion. Wel now, we areupon the ftage of the world ; and God looksupon us that we fhould in our generations keep up the fucceflion of the honor of the profeffìonofReligion : and fo afterward in another generation, as men come upon the fiage of the world and live here : God expeas fucceeding ages Ihould keep up the honor of the profeffion of Religion in their times. And this one confederation might go to the very heart ofungodly men (if they would mind it) that it may be thou art the manor woman among others that keeps up in a continual fucceffïon enmity againft God in the world ; do but confider ofthe diffe- rence between there two, one mans Converfation is wicked, and anothers is holy and gracious, thou that liveff wickedly this e- vil is charged upon thee, that thou art the man that joynefi in this work to keep up a continued fucceffìon of enmity againfL.. God in the world, ever lince Cains time there was an enmity a- gainff God, and Cams pofterity kept up the fucceflion of it ; and fo from one generation to another there bath been wicked men keeping up the fucceflion of enmity againfl God, and thou in thy generation art come to ir, and this (it feems) is thy work :. but nowon the other fide,everfìnce Adams and Abels time,there bathbin godly men in the world, and in every generation fome have kept up the honor of profeffion : and now, hath Godbeen pleafed to reveal his glorious Gofpel to thy foul ? why now, thoubeing careful of thy life and Converfation, God imploys thee in this work to keep up the fucceflionof the honor ofpro- feffion in the world. And this is a comfortable life indeed. And thus we have done with the explicacionof the Point. Now I fhal'l only give you.fome pa íages for the Application; of it. Application, Only (faith theApoffle) letyour Convertuion be as becomes the Gof#el of Chrifb. Have a care of this above all things, Oh. you would fainget more knowledg, and be accounted forne- body in the place where you live, and be an eminent profeffoi: where.