Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

GOS P E Converfati.n: Wherein is íhewed, L How the Converfation ofßeleevers mu.ír beabovewhat could be by the Light of Nature. II. Beyond thbfe that lived under the Law. HI And fuitable towhat Truths the Got: pel holds forth. By Burroughs, Preacher ofthe Gofpel at Stepney and triplegate, London. Being theThird Book, Publifhedby William Bridge, john Yates, YYilliam Adderly. Thom Goodwyn, Williara Greenhil, Sydrach Simpfon, Philip Nye, LONDON: Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be Sold at his Shop at the fign of the Printing-Prefs in Corn- hit, near the Royal Exchange. 1653.