Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

Goff jiel-Conve, rfation. 2I they have still inyour lives and Convurfations, theyare able to p judgment uponyaur lives and converfations,bsit not efyotar principles. Godlie people are aged by fuch and fuch principles that are myfferies to carnal men ; but wtten it comes to their lives they can underhand them ; they cannot fearch into their prin- ciples,whether fuch a Doftrine be true or no, or fuch a thing be according to fuck a Scripture,whether therebe a right interpre- tationof fuch a Scripture that carries them on in fuch a way, they take no pains to look after this, but they look to your lives, there they have skill to difcern how youwalk, and whe- ther youwalk to the rule or not in your lives and Converfati- ons, and therefore let it be your greatcare to look to your Con- verfations. 3 Arg. A thirdmotive is this, There arefume things thatyou can- not but do, that Will dilpleafe wicked men, ifyou willa51 according to your Principles. Well, but this fhould make thee fo much the more careful of thy Converfation in all other things, that to wicked menmay be convinc'd, that, iffuch men do Tome things that I do not underhand, yet .furelie it is for force thing that God hathmade known to them more than to me,for I find this, that in all things that I do underhand there they walk exaftly, therfore though there be force things that they do that I cannot underhand, why fhould I be enraged againft them ? As now in point of inftitution ofWorfhip, which doth not depend upon the lightofNatureat all, but meerly upon Scripture, and fuch and fuch interpretations of Scripture ; and fuch principles wic- ked men have no skill in : Now theprofeffors of Religion they are tyed upby in(htution, and by the words of Scripture thus interpreted, which they think in their confciences is the truth, they having compared all things together think this is the mind. ofChrift rather than the other, and to long as they think thus they mull follow it : Now there's many of thefe things that car- nal men underhand not, (for they take no pains to fearch in- to them) and therefore they will be angry with you for them ; and indeed theywill have caufe to be angry with you for thofe things theyunderhand not, if they feeyou make no confcience of thofe things that they underhand ; but if in other things that they do underhand you walk circumfpeftly, and that it appear