Z2 Glel:CostverfatioK. appear to them that in thofe things theyunderhand they walk confcionably, then they evil I,eleeve that it was meer confcience that made you differ from-them in thofe things which they un- derftood not, °Cea skill ; lmake ready to hand for you, y to fpeak and plead for you (no fuch way to get true libertie ofconfcience as this is)ifyou becareful towalk blameleflie in all thofe things that they underhand with whom you converfe ; they will be convinced in their confciences that if thefe men differ from us,it'sconfcience thatmakes them differ, for(fay they) we find that in all thofe things we underhand thefe men walk confcionablie. Certainlie a holie Converfa- tion will make manie men (even carnal men themfelves) plead for libertie of confcience (fo far as things be not deftruaive to godlinefs for the Kingdom) for fuch men, they will fay, were theyall fuch men as thefe men are they might verie wel be born withal, or they differ in nothingbut that confcience puts them upon, (fay they) for we find them in all their waies fquare and juft, they walk confcionablie. Therefore be careful of your Converfations, becaufe in fome things you cannot but do that which will difpleafe wicked men. 4 flrg Fourthlie, Confider thatyour lives are but forrrr,`within a whileyou mxfit haveyourConverfatiens eitheramong Devils or An- gels, one ofthe two ; and howloon it may be, only God knows. Now then Iwould appeal and put this to your confciences, Are your Converfations now, fuch as can give you comfort ; Oh I hope within a while I hull have my Converfation amongAngels I delire now that the will ofGod maybe done in earth as it is in heaven. and that my familie and life were as it were a heaven, I would fain have my Converfation in heaven now, and this gives me force good hope that my Converfation íhall be with Angels within a while. But on the other fide, Will not mens confciences mif-give them, ifyou would make a judgment of what your Converfa- tion (hall be withina 'while by that theyarenow ? are not the Converfations ofmany of you in your families, and when you come in force companie more like to thofe that a1re appointed to have their Converfation among Devils ? Why ? what's done among Devils ? there's hatred ofReligi= on