St GofJiel-Converfation. on, and of God, and of his Saints, there's railing and blaf- pheming, the Devils they accufe the Brethren, and blafpheme the Name ofGod ; And what is your Converfation otherwife than theirs ? Know, that your Converfation is fuch as is an evi- dent fore-runner, that if you continue as nowyou are, that within a while your Converfation will be among Devils ; for that's the molt futable to you. And my Brethren confider further, The eyes oftheworld, ,yea theeyes ofGod, and of Chrift, and the Angels are upon you, to fee how grace aas inyour Converfations ; the eyes of the world are upon youwatching for your halting, and re- joycing at it : remember but this ; that your Converfations are not onlie beforemen, but the eyesof God, and Chrift, and His holy Angels, they look upon you where ever you are when you are in your familie, there God, ,Chrift, and His hohe An- gels Rand looking upon you to fee thatyour Converfation is with your wife, husband, children, fervants ; when you como into companie, there the Lord God and Jefus Chrift, and An- 'gels Rand lookingupou you : and therfore look to your Con- verfations. -And betides, The eyes ofwicked men are upon you, they watch for your haulting, and they would rejoyce to fee any thing that they might have againft you. That place thatwe had before, in i Pet. 2 i 2. where the HoheGhoft faith,That whereat they fjieak aganflyou oevil doers,tbey maybyyosergoodwork] Which they fhall behold, glorifieGod in the day ofvi fatation. The word is thus : that is Beholding with a narrow circumfpeetion ; it is not onlie feeing, but with a narrow circumfpeetion : Oh! it's an excellent thing, that when wicked men bend their eyes and looknarrowlie upon the Saints, and would be glad and rejoyce if they could find them haulting, yet that theyare able to find nothing. As it was faid of Chrift, the Pharifees lent to watchHim but they could findnothing amifs in Him. And fo though others fhould be tint on purpofe to watch your lives, yet your lives fhould be fo exalt that they might find nothing amiffe inyou. And I conclude all with that excellent promífe that we have to fuch as are careful oftheir Converfation. In Pfalm. 50. 23. 23