Goffel-Converfation. Profeffion of Religion, that (I fay) if they lived among Hea- thens, Heathens would not keep companie with a great part of this Kingdom, yea and ofmolt Congregations, and therefore they íhould not think much though they may not be admitted into Inch a near communion as theLords(upper. You will fay then, But what N that C'onverfationbecoming the Gofpel, that is beyondthe light of Nature ? Firft, The light ofNature reaches to worfhip a God : That many of youdo, you worfhip God : But this is that that be- comes the Gofpel ofChrift,To worfhip & honor God as aFather, & as the Father ofour Lord7efus Chrift ; this goes beyond the light ofNature in that particular ; not only I am convinc'd that ¡ here is a God, that He is the Creator ofHeaven and Earth, and my Creator,. and therefore Ile worfhip Him ; but I do not do that that becomes the Gofpel of Chrift, 61 I get my felf to this,lhat I am able through the grace of the Gofpel to woríhip God as a Father reconciled to nie in Chrift, and as the Father of our Lord JefusChrift, 'and fo do I come and prefent all my fervices unto God This fewof our Civil men do yet your Civil men will make a profeffion of the Gofpel too, and your Civil men they worfhip God, but it is in a meer natural way. The God ofHeaven and Earth, that made them, is to be woríhiped : they can fay their old Catichirt. Who made you ?- A. God. g Whereforedid he makeyou ? A. He mademe toferve Him Cc. I but doeft thou (when thou. come ft to ferve and worfhip the Lord) look uponGod as a Fa- ther reconcil'd in Chrift, and as theFather of our Lord Jefus Chrift ? and fo doeft thou tender up all thy fervices toGod ? Thou art not railed to that that becomes the Gofpel ofChriff, except thou 'doeft thus woríhip God in this way that's that which becomes the Goff el ofChrift ; and know that all other worfhip that thou tendereft up toGod, meetly as God is Crea- tor, God that made thee,and therfore thou mull ferve him; I fay al that worfhip(ifthou goeft no further) God rejects it; indeed we are to worshipGod as a Creator , Godwould have that ; Ibut, iîHepath not that and the other too, and if He have not G a 35 .11111nr..,1N10,--,