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36 Gofpel-Converfation. both, he will not accept ofone, for the firft is included its the fecond, but the fecond is not included in the firft. Aman that worfhips God as a Father, and as the Father ofour Lord Jefus Chrift, he doth worfhip God as a Creator too ; but a man may :worfhip God as a Creator and not at all be acquainted with Him as a Father, and as the Father of our Lord Jefus, and therefore till the Lord in the Miniftrie ofthe Gofpel hath been pleafed to Thine inupon thy foul as a Father, and tht Fa- ther of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and thoucomeft to worfhip God thus, or at leaft this is the endeavour of thy foul that thou maieft worfhip God in this way thou art not fatisfied in worfhiping God after the other way, becaufe he made thee, and thy heart works after this, indeed I have not got this full affurance that he is my Father, but this is that my heart is unfatisfied nntill I have got it, and I cannot be quiet in anie other kind of worfhipingGod, till I find fome abilitie to ten- der up all to him as a Father, and as the Father ofour Lord Jefus Chrift, (I fay) till thou cornea to this, thou doeft not in that particular worfhip God as becomes the Gofpel ofJefus Chrift. And fo in the point ofJuflice, thou doeft give every one his own. I but this is beneath that that is required in thy dealing with men according to the Gofpel ofChrift. Ifyou reade the S.. of Mat. there you (hall find when Chrift comes to preach,what he requires, he railes the point ofJuftice beyond doing as we would be dealt with:faithChrift there,You haveheard that it bath beenfaid, Thou(halt love thy neighbor and hate thineenemy. But I fay untoyou, loveyour enemies, blefs them that curfeyou, dogood to, them that hateyou, and prayforthemWhichdefpightfully ufeyou,and perfecute you ; this is higher thanmeerly to be juft, and for one man not to wrong another; you fhall have manie men fay, Who is able to fay black is mine eye?I live and no bodie can fay I wrong them ; you think this is an excellent Converfation, it's true, it is good in its kind and it were good ifall Profeffars of Religion could fay they live fo that no body can charge them for unjuft dealings, I but this doth not rife to that height to be the Converfation as becomes the GofpelofChrift ; you muff come to this height, to love your enemies, and to biefs them that curie