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Gofiel-Converfation. 43 Fir& It Was obedience to God meerly as Creator, nofurther ; 'Adam in innocencyhe lookt uponGod as Creatorofall things, as the Firft-being ofall, and fo Adam tendered up his fervice toGod meerly as the Creator and Firft-being. That was his obedience. Secondly, The Law toAdam hadpromife only ofnatkrall things; efanatural life to hcontinued : We do not reade ofGods promi- fing Adam to live in Heaven if he had obeyed ; but, Do thisand live that was the Tenourofthe Covenant with him : that is, he fhould havecontinued in Paradife and fohave lived a natu- ral life, but yet continued eternally, Godwould have upheld that natural life of his that's all we reade of that ever God promifed to Adam ifhehad flood by vertue ofthat Covenant of the Law : That's the fecond thing confiderable in him : fo that his obedience was tendred up to God to that end, that he might obtain the continuance of a natural life here in this world, only in order unto that, for we find no more revealed. The firfi man Adam hewas Natural,the fecond Spiritssal, the firfl of the Earth earthly, the fecond,the Lordfrom Heaven. The Apo- file i. Cor. 15. fpeaks of Adam in innocency as the common head ofall man-kind, he was of the Earth earthly, and in way of diflinaion the fecond Adam was the Lord fromHeaven;He brings all heavenly glory. Though Adam had flood, yet we never reade of any heavenly glory that ever he or his poílerity fhould have had ; but the fecond Adam he is the Lord from Heaven that brings Heavenly glory with him. That's the fecond thing confiderable in the Law as a Covenant with Adam. The third thing in the Law as a Covenant with Adamwas this, that Adam under the Law he mull have wrought by his own flrength that he had received. God at firfl gave man flrength for obedience, and he puts his flock into his own hand, and fo he mull have wrought andcontinued by thepower of the flrength that Goddid at firft give him, he hadnot that fountain to go to for that continual fupplyof ftrength as we have, whichyou fhal! fee prefently. Fourthly, Adam, he was injuch a condition, as he was inha- .ardofhicmifcarrling for his eternal eflate He was indeed in a way ofobedience to the Law that God gave him, but ¡till fo 1H2 as