To the Reader. Gofpel made known unto them ; they mutt have 'Peace, Comfort, Af- furance, their awn way, or elfe reje& all ; they would finde a principle of life and powerwithin themfelves, and not go to Chrift for it , theywould bring fomcthing to Chrift, and not fetch all fromChrift ; not know- ing that the way which all true Believers havegone (after touch wearying of themfelves to finde fomething in themfelves) hath been at the laft to rowl themfelves wholly upon the Free-grate ofGod through Jefus Chrift, feeing nothing inthernfelves, yet giving glory to God by beleeving; and if they could bring their hearts fo difpofed and qualified, yet they fee the danger of refting in what they are, have and do. And if want of fuch and fuck conditions and qualifications had ground enough to keep from Chriff, it might have hindred any that ever did cafthemfclves upon the Free -grace of God, becaufe they would ßi1 havebeen at a lots, finding a defet in them. The fe things we judge not unreafonable topremi(e, in the reading of this and all other Treatifes of this nature, that Chriftians may (when they abound inmuch-doing and well-doing) be fill as much afraid ofrefl- ing indogwell, as of committing ill, and becontent to have all flowers withered that refrefh them without. Chrift : Andwhen after Humiliation and cafling down for fin , they begin to ftand upright, as they think,upon the legsof their Prayers, Perfornsances, Inherent Graces and Qualifica- tions, and Righteoufnéfs and Holinefs expre1Ted in their Lives and Con- verfarions, they may yet notwithftanding all this, be brought, not to glory in themfelves, but in Jefus Chrift, and willingly come down from the Throne of their own Conceits, SuCiciences, Abilities, and be at the Foot- (toe! and ThreJbold ofJefus. Chrift ; that feeing they know nothing, are nothing, have nothing,do nothing, they maybe nothing in their own eyes, that Chrift might do all their work in them and for them, thatfo they may whollyt on Chrift, and to Chriff, ftill drawing vertue from hint, ,feeing a need of Chrift, and ofnothing elfe, and finding a ful- nefsand help in him, and innothing elfe. Thisword ofdireaion being given the Reader inhis perufing this Trea- tife about GoJ el- Coñverfation, the publifhiu of which in thefe perilous Times,we conceive exceeding fuitable andofful, wherein fo many are led away after chofe Doéfrines that are not after godlinefs,as the Apoftle fpeaks. This holy manwould oftenmuch bewail that he didnot fee that holy frame and temper of Spirit in the Profefìors of our days, which was in thofe God was pleated to take out of this world to himfelf in the days innrte- diately foregoing thefe Troubles : He would often fay, we feem to have more light aow,brlt we have left our heat andfirf love. We pray the Lord awaken us, that wemay do our firft works before he come againfl us quickly, and remove ¿be Candleflickout ofits place. Amen. Mows Goodwyn. avilliaxn Greenbil, Sydrach Sitnpfon, ?kW?Nye. william Addcrly. jóhn7'ates. rilliarnAdderly.