Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

WAWAAWAW AAAAAAAAAAAW ; .:Er `EM ,;asg EVMrdMrga., THE CONTENTS SERMON I Page HE Word; opened. 2 Do& Thole that profeß the Gofpel, mull have a great care oftheir Converfati- ons 6 I That God may be bonered 7 I Becaufe the Saints are Gods witnefcs 2 2 They holdforth Gods renew- ed Image 9 3 They further Gods deigns Ibid f 4 They mare up the great dif. I honor He path f om the world ibid 2 In refe i of wickdmen IO( 1 Thatyoumay convince them ibid 2 To flop their moutbes I t 3 To eonvert them ibid 4 To condemn them 12 3 In reffreF,i ofthe Saints ibid 1 They rejoyce in it ibid Page 2 They bieß Godfor it ibid 3 They have boldnefi before men ibid 4 They are eflablifhedby it. 13 5 They are edif,ol by it ib, 4 In reliedofyour felves ibid z It evidencetb the truth to your f uls. ibid 2 It èontinueth andenereafetb what is inyou 14 3 It gets honor in the eonfcien- ces of men ibid 4 It is an inflrument ofpub- liek good ibid 5 It furthers ajoyful account at the great day ibid 6 It keeps up the honour of Re- ligion from one generation to another ;Îd Application I To reprove careleßprofe f rs 16 2 To exhort to be careful o fyour Converfations 19 Arg. 1 It is a mercy you have eonverfation among men 20 B PViekgd