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Goffrel-Converfation. *ItisAkaatitIVItstigkgstItt* Utt:WaigranattMtanttMt SERMON IV. PHIL. I. 27. Only letyour Converfftion be its becomes the gold ofChrifl. 4444 EE clofed with this the laft day, that we (hould love one another. This holds forth unto us, not only the love ofGod theFather, but the infinit love ofJefus Chrift the fecondPerlon in Trinity, and this cats for love one to another ; And I'le hint unto you one or two Scrip- tures more about this : there is union of Chriftian hearts in one bond of love : No duty more inculcated in the new Teftament (next unto Faith, that great engin of the Cove- nant of grace) than Love, and love one unto another; and upon the confideration of the infinit love of God, and of Jefus Chrift unto us. Ephefi. 3. 19. compared with Ephefzans, 4.1. And to know the love ofChrift , whichpafeth knowledge ; thatye might be filledwith all fulnefs ofGod. Then in the beginningof the 4. Chapter, I therefore (here's an inference with theufe ofit) theprifoner ofthe Lord,befeechyon,That jots walkworthy ofthe vocationwherewithye are called. Youare called to Chrift, to the Gofpel,and thereyou have the loveof Chriftmade known. How (hall they walk wor- thyofthis vocation ; With all lowlinofs, andmeeltnefs with long- fuferiug, forbearing one another in love. Endeavouring to keep the amity of the Spirit in the bondofpeace. He paryed before, that they Wight. know the love of Chrift : therefore upon that he Both exhort them, and builds his exhortation, or rather his befee- ching