T HE CONTENTS. Page 2 Wicled men are able to paffe judgment on your lives , but notonyour principles 21 3 Sometimes you mull difIleafe wicked men ibid 4 Tour lives are but fhort 22 5 The eyes of all are uponycu 23 6 God promifetb falvation to them that order their Conver- fation aright 24 SERMON II. Rule i Have afj'ecial regard to the duties ()hour relation 25 2 Takeheed of the fins you are mofl inclined to 26 3 Take heedofthe temptations ofyour callings 27 4 Take heed of thefins ofthe times 28 5 Take heed of fecret fins. ibid 6 Looknot upon tbofe that are below, but upon thofe that are aboveycu inprof¡fion 29 Be confiant to the end 30 Do&. 2 The Converfation of Profef- feffors muff be futable to the Gofpel of Chriii. I. It mull be higher than the light ofNaturewill raife it 32 Viz. i That we are to knowGod 2, That we mull do as we would be done to ibid Page 3 We muff make confcience of fecret fins ibid What Converfation becomes the Gofpel, that is above the light of Nature i To,worfhipGod as afather 35 2 To love our enemies 36 3 To do to others as Godbathdon to us 37 4 To labor for the mortification of the body offin within us. 39 5 To love the commandementyou obey 4 Secondly, It muß go beyond fisch as lived under the Law SERMON III Confider firft as aCovenant of works of life, as it was at firft made to Adam 42 i Obedience to God meerly as Creator 43 2 Had only promife of natural things ibid 3 He muß work by his own ßrengtb ibid 4 He was in hazard of mifcar- rying in bis eternal eftate íb. i The Saints are in a better condition. t They ferve God as a father 44 2 upon better promifes ibid 3 Ourflrengtb ist not put into our