102 Gopel emision. man, the applying of the grace of God in Chrift, and the do- fingwith it for juftification,it is thehigheft, molt exquifite, mofi glorious and moll admirable work of the fpirit of man that e- ver was in the world, and it requires the greateft intenfnefs and firength of a mans fpirit that ever any work did : Now then to put this off all fuch a time as a mans flrength is gone, and he through difeafes unfit for any thing, and when as all the firength he hath will be little enough to help him to bear his pain, this muft needs be the worft time ; youare miflaken ifyou think the applying of Gods mercy in Chrift is but in faying Lordhave mercy:upon me No, it is Gods putting the heart of man to do the moll glorious work that bath the greateft operation in it that ever he did. I remember it related of one that lived wickedly, and divers fought to reclaim him, fays he, come when T am upon my fick-bed, that is time enough ; and afterwards he being fick, was put inmind of it ; you Paid you would do it then ; but then he fwore a great Oath, faying, What is this a time to repent in ? becaufe he then felt fo much trouble and anguifh that took up his thoughts, that he was flirr'd with indignation to be put upon repenting then, in a time when he felt fo much do- lourof fpirit, by the pains that were upon him Is this a time to repent in ? if that be not, then do it betimes. 4. It is the worft time,becaufe God(hall lofe agreat part ofhis end in pardoning fin ; for when God pardons fin it is to this end, that his poor creatures might honour and worfhip him in this world,and dohim fervice; but now to feek for Gods pardoning grace when thou canfi do him no more fervice in this world ; How canft thou think that he will accept thee then ? He came to redeemus, that we might ferve him in holinefs and righteoufne$ all the days ofour lives ; and he knows there is no fuch way to ingage the heart of man to ferve him as pardoning grace ; for when once a foul fees it felf delivered from thofe Enemies of in and of the Law that would defiroy him, his heart will be mightily fet to honour God and ferve him in holinefs and righteouínefs all his days ; and therefore to Peek for pardon when thou canff do God no more fervice in this world, mull needs be the worft time ; for how knoweft thou that he will accept thee then ? I befeech you obferve one Text of Scripture that