Gofel IOmfsion. and the great workings of thy grace to e f fea it,and ofthy readi- neßtoforgive,this is the end of it,that thou mighteftbe feared; this is the effeft this do&rine works in a gracious foul,and 'tis a good fign if you reafon after this manner ; but there is for- givenefs with thee, that thou may 'íl: be feared : If thofe Ser- mons you have heard of this Dotrine be a means to implant the fear ofGod in your hearts, this is a bleffed fign they have had a good effect upon you ; when you reafon thus , Bccaufe Lord, Ihave hadfo much of thygrace and mercy in forgiving my fin ; through thygrace myfoul¡hallfear thee more than Ever before, and fear to fan more than ever before : thofe that have hearts anfwering this Text, 'tis a good fign that the Word has had a powerful efficacy upon them : take another Text , Pfal. o3 . T, 2,3. Bleß the Lord, O my foul, and forget not all his benefits, Why ? who forgiveth all thy iniquities : Mark, it is a Pfaim that David made of Gods mercy in forgiving of fin , the confideration of which makes him call upon his foul , and all that is within him to biefs the Lord : Does God Phew fo much grace as to forgive fin? then bleß the Lord, O my foul , and allthat is within me bleß his holy Nome ; 'tis not reafoning thus, God forgives iniquity, and therefore O my foul take li- berty ., thouneed'ft not be fo ftrif} : But bleß the LordO my foul, and all that is within me bleßhis holy Name : thofe that have ftrength to do any thing for God, this is an argument will Wit- up all within them to biefs God, when they fee God appearing fo infinitely gracious to them in the forgivenefs of their fins ; they fo reafon, that all they have, or can do, fhould be given unto him. }. Tout that think,youmay take liberty to fin becaufe God is gracious, and venture on it,becaufe you conceit that God will ne- ver punifh ; think,of this, the example of the damned in Hell, they are flying in the face ofGod becaufe they know that God will never pardon : and thou finneft becaufe thou hopeft God will pardon ; which is the worft of the two : the Devils and the damned are in fuch a condition, as that they know that God will never pardon them ; and therefore they always curie God, becaufe they know he will not pardon : but God off. rs pardon, and tenders grace to you , holds forth Jefus Chrif to 11;