Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

ak Gojpel kmßion. 127 things as thefe againft it, thefe are poor low unworthy things to fet againft the grace of God , and they do lower the grace of God too much , that fet fuch things as thefe againft it. A Scholar would think it a diíhonour to him , for one to come to reafon with him, and bring nothing but poor low weak objeetions that are not worth the anfwering , he woul d think it a difgrace to him ; certainly it is a dishonour to the grace ofGod, to fet fuch things as thefe againft it, thou look'ft up- on it in a natural way, and dolt not confider, it is the great defign of God above all things in the World, to magnifie his grace in pardoning of fin ; certainly were this under- flood, thefe things would be counted too low and unworthy to be fet againft fuch a defign ; when it is the greateft, God hath tomagnifie his name in. Secondly,Thoujudgeft of God according to thy own thoughts, and this Godwill take exceeding ill, as they Pfal. so. z i Be- caufe I !kept Hence thou thoughtefl' Iwas altogetherfuch a one as thy [elf ; 'Tis a great evil to_meafure God by our own thoughts, and there are two waies of difhonouring God by it. r. The way of the carnal fecure fanner ;he meafured God by his own thoughts, he thinks God is not fo ftric$ to be angry for every fault; and if thou offendeft, that if we go and cry him mercy , he will be pleafed again. We think it an eafiematter to pleafe God, and becaufe God is filent we think hedo's not hate fin as he doth, that's on way of difho- nouring God. A Second way is when aman comes to be troubledforfin, and confcience enlightened ; then we think (lightly of God ano- ther way. It may be thou haft a hard heart and wouldft not pardon one that provokes thee again and again , thou wouldft not pats by fuch and fuch offences and thou think'ft God is fo too, thou thinkeft God to be like thy felf , and that he cannot bear with thee in fuch and fuch things, becaufe thou canft not bear with others. This is to judge God by our own line, but know, that the thoughts of Gods pardoning grace are as far above ours au the Heavens are above the Earth ; and therefore we muff not meafure God by our own thoughts. Thirdly,