141 i19 Z kn1iisYotl. Plea. Anfw.. God againft thee this day , tt4 fins are not pardoned but Bandupon the file, and thou (halt eternally perifYh in them if thou haft no other ground than that, to thew for the par- don of them.; and therefore never make that an argu- ment , that they are pardoned., becaufe they are lefs than o- thers. Secondly, Others it maybe will pleacl,myfans are not many; we are all (inners, but I have not multiplied and increai'ed my fins as others have done. I (hall anfwer to that briefly know that onefn is enough to damn thee, asfully aü a Million of tranfgreffions reiterated again and again ; One chain is enougga to hold thee in everl.afting darknefs , and God may damn thee for one fin, as well as for never fo many thoufands,. as you have heard, he did the Angels for their firft, and but one lin ; and therefore though thy fins are not many, that is no argument at all. Further, we may obferve in the way of Gods pardoning mercy ; he pardons force that have gone a long timeon in their fins, and, makes quick work with others that have been but a little time in fin , and that we may fee in theexample of Manaffes and Aron ; compare thole two together,. in the example. of Manaffes you (hall find that he reigned tome 55 years ; he wasa.notorious vile inner again& God, and. yet he reigned a long time in it, his converfion was but late , z Kingsz.r. . r. He was 12. years old; when he began to raign, andhe raigned55. years in Jerufalern ; and .al- molt all: this time he went on in committing molt notorious abominations, and yet God pardoned him. But now mark? his Son .Anon comes after him, and perhaps he might rear fon thus, my. Father lived thus and thus, and for a long time had his luff and delres, and why may not I venture to do as my. Father did ? and fo he went on in his Fathers wickednefs but nowmark, Godcomesprefently upon him,and lets him live but twoyears, and. there's an end ofhim. it.Maanaffes continued 55. years, andhis Son comes after him, and he would go on in his Fathers fteps,and God prefently cut him of; fo though Some may continue in whoredom , and in other, abominati- ons, and, perhaps live: in. outward profperity many years g.. 4p or ,ao years, yep God may pals them by, and , then if thou finn'ff:.