Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go Abel RefsfSion. t 45 do ; for the fins of your youth may be a torment to your old age : it may be you little thinkof it ; but remember, when you are old God may come and reckon with you for the fins of your youth : 'tis and fhould be a great argument to make people to take heed of fin ; for thofe fins thou committeflr now may do thee a mifchief forty or fixty years hence ; as in t he natural body, many young men though they feel no diflem- pers in their bodies for the prefent, and fo care not for their diet, nor how to avoid Surfeits : yet after they grow old,then they feel their diflempers in their joynts andbones , which is no other than their drunkennefs and intemperance when they were young ; fo 'tis in regard of the foul, many in their younger years do greatly follow after wickednefs, and be- caufe they hear not of it , theygo away and never are trou- bled ; but afterwards in their old age, God comes upon them for the fins oftheir youth : foab when he was young commit- ted fin, but when his hoary head, was on him, God then came to him in wrath for it ; and therefore think not all thy fins are pardoned, becaufe 'tis a great while ago fence they were committed but rather reckon up thy former (iris and bewail them, and do not ref on this ground, becaufe 'tis long fence they were committed, 'ds not to be built upon,you muff look for other grounds, or elfe you are undone for ever, for this will certainly fail you. Fourthly, Others reafon that God ha4 pardoned theirfns, not onlybecaufe they have been committeda great while ago;but they have hadproferity,it bath been well with them, and God has done them good ; andcertainly if God had not pardoned their fins, Godwould never have let them thrive. I (hall fpeak but little to this , for thefe reafonings are very vain , (there areothers I (hall more infifl upon ;) know this, thou makef it an argument of Gods pardoning mercy , it may* rather be anargument of Gods eternal curfe , for God to fuffer a man to profper much after great fins committed , it is a liga that God bath given that man over to hardnefs ofheart , which is the mof dreadful curfe in the world ; after Godhad re- je&ed Saul, x Sam.14.15. Chapters,you may read Saul had a great deal offnccefs in his way immediately after Godhad calf him