Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

t Goi(el Rem fSion. fuither mercy in giving thy foul to his Son; he fent not his Son that all might be pardoned , but a certain num- ber that God the Father had given to his Son from all eter- nity : now there's a great work of Gods mercy in palling by others , and giving thee to his Son : And further, It is a work of Gods mercy in the powerful Minifiry of the Goipel to reveal this : And then further, it is a work of Gods mercy to draw thee to clofe with his Son, and thereby to unite and mar- ry thee to his Son : And then further, It is a workof Gods mercy to mare thee ofthe pardon and juf ification of thy foul 'Lis a great deal more for faith to look upon God in this manner, than to come in fuch a way as this God is merci- ful, and I truft in his grace that he will pardon me : we mi- flake mightily about the mercy of God , when we do not look upon it in an Evangelical way, as it is revealed in the Gofpel : Further, know thus much, that if Gods mercy will work fo far for thee, as to pardon thy fn , and fave thy foul : certainly it will work fo far as to take away the power of fin, and let thee not live in the filth of thy fin : Many think Gods mercy will do great matters hereafter, but nothing now in comparifon of what he will do hereafter; they think he will give them outward blef- fings now, but keep fpiritual things till hereafter : Cer- tainly this is an infallible truth, if Gods mercy work not fo powerfully here in this world as to bellow fpiri- tual good things on thee, thou may'ft be affiired that it will never work fo powerful on thee as to fave thy Soul in the World to come ; Can it be thought a Prince pardons a Ma- lefac`for that he Thall not be hang'd, and yet fuller him to lie in the Prifon -nd rot in a Dungeon ? this were but a poor pardon, a bah" pardon , to be delivered from the Gal- lows and rot in the Prifon : Certainly , what ever a Prince may do, God never pardons a firmer fo ; to Thew him mercy to fave him from Hell , and yet to lie rotting all his life long in fin; no, God when he pardons he delivers and Thakes off the fetters as we Thall fee further therefore thou that fay'ft thou hopeft in Gods mercy that he will pardon thee let . me ask , What b ath he done for thee ? if thou thinkeft