Go]]elem f Sion. thinkeft that Gods mercy will work fo ftrongly hereafter to fave thy foul , certainly it will be as ftrong for thee here to fanftifie thee ; if it work not fo ftrong on thee now as to fan- `tifie thee, certainly it will never work fo ftrongly for thee hereafter as to fave thee. 4. Othersfay in the laft place,we are not onlyforryforfin and reform and trui in Gods mercy,but we relie upon Gods mercy through Chrift ; and therefore we hope ive (hall be pardoned : this 1might {peak much to ; we mift reft there, but there is a miftake there too ; the relying on Chrift is not relying on him by a&ing of fome tranfient thoughts that pates over, but it is an abiding thing ; when men hear there is no way to be fared but by Chrift,and they cannot deny it,and becaufe they are loth to think they are fuch as cannot be faved, they are loth to have fuch ill thoughts of themfelves, and hearing this is the way, and no other, therefore they will perfwade themfelves that they fhall find mercy through Chrift : Nowwhat great work is this fo to rely on Crrift ? the work of faith is a mightywork, it is not a fhort tranfient work, a few thoughts upon thy heart to be faved by Chrift ; No5 wherefoever faith is right, and a true reliance on Chrift, it is a mighty work of the Spirit of God, working this grace in railing the foul_ higher than it felf , and carries it through and above all difficulties , when it brings the foul to relie upon God. There may be great miftakes , when people fay, they rely upon Chrift; and therefore take this for convi&ion, Relying on Chrift is not barely to think, my fins are pardoned by Chrift : but it is a receiving of Chrift , a poffeffing ofChriff, a coming into Chrift, a living an Chriff, and a bringing Chrift to live in me, 'tis eating of the flefh of Chrift, and drinking of his blood , and fo finds nourifhment and ftrength from him as really as thv body by the meat anddrink it takes ; that abides with is fntsln flight no- tion does faith to the foul like- water running through a Pipe that leaves nothing behind it ; for fo the thoughts of malt people are ; but it is fuch a thing, as brings Chrift into the foul, and the foul into'.' Chrift, andfo feeds and lives' upon him rhis is relyingupon Chrift for pardon ; fo as to have the co, .:Íomitants and com forts 161