giarmsstarimebassasaminagmiamar 170 gofeaWexniflion. parries ; when God reveals this to thy foul, that though thou be by nature anEnemy tome, and haft broken the fiat Co- venant that I made with the Children ofmen, and art caft off, yet be it known unto thee O thou wretched foul, I am content to enter into another Covenant with thee ; there is a fecond Covenant for life and falvation tliar I have made with poor man through my Son, and I require that thou fhould'ílcome in, and give up thy (-elf in an eveïlaftingCo- versant to make me to be thy God, and to clofewith me and my Son in tvhatfeever I call thee to in whatfoever thou haft or can't-1d°to give up thy felt to the power of me and my Son ; this thou muff ingage and rye thy Pelf unto, in the firongcft Bonds that can be ; this is the nature of the Cove. nant : we know there were two Covenants, and all the good of mankind in the firft Covenant depended on this, his do- fing with the tearms of it : Now the rearms of the firs Co- venant was, Do thii and live ; but that is broken, and we have loft our ability : Now the fecond Covenant -is, Believe and lív and the foul that God pardons, he brings into the Bond of the fecond Covenant ; it is brought to come and give it felf up to the Lord, and to be content to bind it Pelf with all bonds unto God, that he and he only (hall be my God, as I delire him to be mine, and his grace and mercy to be mine , fo alt that I have or can do, (hall be his ; I fur - render up my felf, and ingage my foul to be his for ever, my Eftate,Abilities,whatever I have, or can doAlallbehis': Now put this to your Own fouls, you hope your fins are pardoned : But hath God brought you into the Bonds ofthe Covenant? HathGod ingaged hirnfelf to you byhisWo°d,to beyour God? and on the other fide, Are your hearts ingaged to him by the ftrongeft Bonds that can be ? and if there be any other Bondsthat are ftronger to tyc your fouls to God ; Can your fouls fay, the Lord knows I am content and willing tö be in- gaged ; and that you will account it your happinefs to be ryed in the ftrongeft Bonds that can be? Ifit be fo with thee, now peace be to thy foul, thy fins are pardoned : as on the one fide, God hath made a Covenant with thee, fo on the other fide he hath brought thee to be in Covenant with him;