Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

1$4 Cuffed 1 em[sjon. larger, becaufe I would lay the Evidences full before you ; here you have had the blefl'ed man and woman defcribed unto you , but there is but few of them, few can go away and fay, as we have, heard, fo it is : But I hope divers of you can, it was for you that it was preached and fent from Heaven that you fhould feed upon it,. and 'tis as needful as the bread you eat. But there is one thing more, that is very met toannex toall that bath been faid before ; without that , ram afraid there are many to whom the confolatiota ofthis Text and Point belongs unto , will go awaywith little comfort, becaufe they know not how to apply them ; and that is to give force Rules how to make ufe of there figns , and to be able to apply them ; andby the fame Rules you may come to know any other notes of Trial concerning your fpiritual Eftate, and to make ufeof them in any other particu- larwhatfoever. CHAP.