Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go fael Xemß;on. 19 5 vêñaìit with God , I cannot remember any fuch work ; per- haps thy heart finks 'down within thee, becaufe thou can 'ft not clear up this work of entring into Covenant with God ',heretofore : Now the time that thou fpendefl in feeking af- 'ter this work , fpend it in entring now into Covenant with God at this prefent time ; it will be no hindrance to thee that thou can'fl not find what was heretofore , if now at this prefent thou can't} furrender up thy Pelf to God in an ever- lafling Covenant, this is enough, do it : Now if you can find your hearts, now come in, and yieldup your felves into Cove- nant with God , you may have the comfort of this Evidence as fully as if you clearly remembred all the former tranf - ac`}ions, and the work of God upon you in your firf} entring into Covenant with God : Again, thofe that had their fins pardoned, I told you , were brought into the Kingdom of Chris} ; but you will fay, I cannot remember how I was tranflated ; 7akZe now upon you the Scepter of refus Chrifi many trouble themfelves, Paying I never found fuch humi- liations and troubles forfin as you fpeak of, or as others have found How is it now with your fouls ? Do you find fin now a burden toyour fouls ? Is it not the greateft aftli di- an ? If you were put to your choice, had you not rather fuller any thing in the world than fin ag inft God ; andnot only out of ConviElions of fConfcience,but becaufe youfind aframe offpirit in your hearts fuitable thereunto s for an Hypocrite he may have Convictions of Confcience but the frame of his fpirit is not fuited thereunto : in you there is a frame of fpirit fuit-able to the convic`lions of Confcience within you, though you cannot remember you have had fuch fur- rows and troubles in cc.nviéìons for fin, as others have had while they were under the fpirit of bondage yet you may be comforted- by the prefent frame of fpirit that you have and, fo in the like cafes, ifyou cannot find your old Evidences , fall to work to renew your Evidences , and do not fpend time in lying down under the difcouragements of your own hearts. The fxth Rule is this, Whenyou examine yourfelves to fnd out your Evidences,carry this thought along With you, that you Cc z havs