Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

196 Gojpel emfsion. have to deal u,i-th God in the Covenant of grace : and this will be of marvellous ufe unto you ; perhaps to Come th,fe are very dry things, and they fee but little in theta, and scarce knowwhat they be ; but 1 hope there be many cthcrs ;hat have knowledge of an eternal Rate to -be between God and their fouls ; I hope I fpeak things will be very prt ciuus o them ; yea, I fay unto many of you ; for while 1 am in th s argument, I am (peaking to filch as have had the tear of God fain upon their hearts , and they have made it the great buíinefs of their lives, above all things in this world , to know how terms are between God and their fouls , to know how it Rands with them for their everlafting eftates ; I know abundance of people fcarceever call thefe things in que- ftion , to whom there Rules will be of little or no ufe at all ; but if I fpeak to fume, or any one troubled foul to help and dires them, though I do no good to others I (hall think my time well fpenr; wherefore then in your exami- nationsever carry this with you, that you have to deal with God in the Covenant of grace, and not in a Covenant of works : Certainly, that many are fo' troubled in their Confciences about their eternal elates, it is on this ground , becaufe they look upon God in the way of the Covenant of works ; if they find any corruptions ftirring and breaking forth, and temptations ftrong upon them , they think pre - fently all is naught, and that God will never accept of them ; What is the reafon ? If we had to deal with God in a Co- venant of works, the laeft ftirring of corruption, it is enough to caft the foul down into eternal horrour ; as e4dam, though he had never fo much goodnefs before by the Image of God upon him, yet one fin eternally caft him if there had not come in a Covenant of grace : Now, though people will acknowledge there is a Covenant of grace , yet upon the ftirring of their corruption , they carry it as that it ferves for noother ufe than if they had to deal with God in a Covenant of works , and as if there were no Covenant of grace at all : Now, what a difhonour is this to the riches of Gods goodnefs in the Covenant of grace, that tells us, We are not to be judged for onr eternal c'Rte by the Covenant of lvorks ;