Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gojpel Kemigron. 199 work! ;and tell t c,that he that nwft be our ,fudge for our eternal condition,is our flevocate with the Father, and tells us alto , thatGoa accepts of the uprightnefs and. thefincerityofthe h earl, and that the want ofp6rJLion jhall never damn thy foul ; H that flands before the Lord to make attonement and to be our Advocate to plead with the Father for us; he it is that Inuit be the Judge of our eternal eftate and therefore when I fet my felf before the Lord , I confider that I have t o deal with him in a Covenant of grace : Suppotie I find and feel fuch and fuck corruptions and weakneffes in me ; Is: it not poflible that my eftate is happy by the Covenant of grace ? Collet your felves , and fay, Why do I determine ofmy everlafting condition ? Have I to deal with God in the Covenant of grace, and cannot thefe imperfe&ions Rand with it? Why do I make fuch conclufions that my ftate is naught , becaufe of the ftirrings of fuch and fuch corruptions? The doubts and fears of moft Chriftians arife from hence, becaufe they have not a clear underftanding of the difference between the Covenant of grace and the Co- venant of works ; there is noshing in the world would fo fatisfie the Conkiences of men andwomen, fo ac a clear un- dertanding of the Covenant ofgrace and the Covenant of works : Many peoplecry out of the Preachers, that they dif- quiet and trouble the hearts of people by their Preaching the truth is, no Preachers occafion fo much the trouble and perplexity of Confciences , as thofe that preach Motility and meerly the way of duty , and never come to make them fee clearly the difference between the Covenant of grace and the Covenant of works ; and I appeal unto you , why are they who moft quiet and fettle your Conici°nces, and fatisfie your fpirits ; Are they not thofe Preachers that open the difference between the Covenant of grace and the Covenant of works ? Certainly thole Preachers that fhetL you what the Covenant of grace is, are the only men that quiet and fatisfie Confcience ; and 'cis a truth, that nothing can do it but that : You that are Chril'ians , how fhould you then labour to get a further infighr into the 'Coven :nt of grace ; and inftead of other Difcourfes lefs ufeft t , l'et this be the fubje't of your Difcourfe , the difference of the Cc3 Co- t99 d