Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

19 8 Go fpel Remfsiön. Covenant of works and the Covenant of grace, or the blef- fings of this Covenant ; and that this is the Covenant that we muff depend upon, notwithftanding our weakneffes : And now Ì am fpeaking of this Covenant, that weaknefs may Rand with the Covenant of grace, many that have carnal hearts may be ready to abufe ir; take notice how dear the comforts of your fouls coft God, and God will have his Mi- nifters tocomfort you, though the revealing of fuch things will indanger many a mans foul : God is content to hazard the damnation of other men to comfort you ; for certainly thofe things that we fpeak for your comfort will be the damnation of many others : Think thus, O Lord mull the comforts of my foul coil fo dear , and that for my comfort many fouls are hazarded , who by taking occafion to fin , abufe that grace that is reached forth to me, and fo are like eternally to perifh ? O then, what need had I to make good ufe of this grace that comes to me with the hazard of the fouls of fo many others ? If a man Mould bring fome pre- cious Balfom to apply to a wound, and tell him there is not one dropof it but coft a thoufand pound at leaft, would not this be highly prized ? Now, when we come and Phew you any thing that may comfort your hearts and fatisfie your fouls , we muff reveal fuch things, that not only coil much but the leaft dram of Gofpel-comforts coil that which was of infinite worth, and 'ris valuable two ways : firít, every drop of the Balfom of the Gofpel coil the blood of thrift ; but befides this, the very revealing of it mufl colt the damnation ofmany fools , and yet God is content to ven- ture that, that you may be comforted : We in the Name of God come and preach the grace of the Gofpel, and we think many will be hardned by it, and grow more fecure , and abufe Gods mercy ; but then we fatisfie our felves with this, th t the comforting of any broken troubled foul is fo pre- cious in the eyes of Jefus Chrift , that he is content to ven- ture thehardning of many other fouls ; if they will he hard- ned let them be hardned , Chrift it content to venture it ; and hereby we fee how precious thefe comforts are there- fore you had need to prize them , and not call them off : as fuppofe a Captain for the laving of the lives of two or three