Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

202, Gojpel Rerazjsaon. yc God is good; his Word, his ways are good his Gofpel and the Covenant in his Son is good ; and whatever troubles are upon me, yet G,..;d is righteous : and although God juflifie not me, vet I will justifie God ; if there be any foul that canno, find his Evidences, or any of thofe fgns before fpoken cf, you 'flak make ufe of this : if you cannot find any other do -hat thou can' } to juflifie God ; thou art afraid that God will not ,jullifie thee, do thorn ¡uf ifie bim ; fometimes it is wih many men, as with fomewretched fervant that has dealt falf11 vitb his Mafler, anal may be all the while he can make an advantage of his Matter for his own ends , he will fpeak wall of him , but if his Mailer turn him out of doors for his wickcdnefs then he rails on him ; 'tis ordinary for bad fervants to do fo when they are turn'd away for their wicked - nefs ; and fo it is with many, when all goes well with them then they like well of the wayes of God ; but if they come to fuck a condition as that they think that God wi l call them away indeed , and that they are like to peri 1h, then .hey begin to have hard thoughts of God , and by de- grees, they fpeak agsinfl God and his ways ; take heed of this, although you want the Evidences of his love and mercy, yet retain in your hearts good thoughts of God and of his ways, and this will be a fpecial help to bring into your fouls the comfort and afftirance of your Jullification ; and now I have done with this argument, I have [hewed you who it is that bath his fins pardoned , I have [hewed the feveral m iflakes, and I have íhewed you ccrta'n infallible grour.d' from Scripture Evidences of the pardon of fin and Rules how to makeufe ofthofe Evidences ; and now upon what you have heard, you have teftimony and afTuránce of the pardon of your fins, or you have not ; if you find your hearts do not anfwer to thefe Evidences, or that you are afraid that your fins are not pardoned , then take a ufe of Exhortation to put you onto leek after this bleffednefs. CHAP.