Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

R Goipel (kpniision, 203 CHAP. XIX. Of Exhortation tofeek after Pardon of Sin, with Cautions and Rules, how, and what we are to do. IAsn now come to a ufe of Exhortation, and it concerns us all, either thole that are not pardoned , or thofe that have affurance of the pardon of their fins ; for there is none that have afl'urance but may make ufe of it : Chrift taught his Difciples to pray daily for the forgivenefsof their trcf- paf es, u well as for their_ daily bread ; and what we are to pray for, we are to feek after ; fo that it concerns all ; beef fednefs is defirable to all, it is as natural for man as a reafo- nable creature to delire bleffednefs,as it is for the fire to burn ; only here's the great miflake in the world , all would have it , but they look not for it in the right way : Now af- ter all that has been Paid, that thou may'ft not have flight thoughts of the pardon of fin, and fay , I hope they are pardoned, and the like ; I fhall fpeak to awaken thee : fup- pofe thou wer't now fet on the brink of the infinite Ocean of Eternity, and the bottomlefs Gulf were ready to devour thee, and the Records of Heaven were opened, and there (hewed thee that thy fins were not cancelled , but remain upon the file? What thou would'fl then do, do it now ; for this is our time , and this is the great work of our lives, not to cumber our felves about many things, but about this one thing, to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling this is the great work to feek to fecure this bleflìng of the pardon of our fins, which is the foundation of all ; in the obtaining of it we obtain all blefhngs ; it ought to he our chief care, and we ought to lay out our chief ftrength and endeavours in feeking of it ; and if Godwould be pleafed to put his hand to your hearts, and turn the ftream of your thoughts and indeavours, the very turning of your hearts after this bufinefs is a great mercy ; there is fo much blef- fednefs in it , as not only the obtaining of it, but the very D d z motion