Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

z o4 Goj]el IRemysion. motion of the heart this way is worth all the world, in A. 2. we read, there were many thoufands that had their hearts pricked at hearing the Word preached, and they cryed out, Men andbrethren, what frall we do to be Paved ? O th .t there were a difpofïtion in the hearts of men to cry thus; we fee it is our bleffednefs if we have it ; and if we have it not, we are all curfed for ever ; What thall we do . to get it ? Mar. ro. x7.we read ofone came running after Chrift, faying,What fall I do to be faved ? O that your hearts were now. in fuch a frame to conic. running after Chrift, faying What fhallme do that our fins may be pardoned-? but before I come to any thing elfe, it is neceffary by way of - caution or provifo to fay three or four things. . Firfl, This ; that althou I mull , h fee; after God for the pardon offn,yet know there is nothing in a natural man that is or can be acceptable ; all his endeavours have not that in them that can gain him acceptance with God : Poi then to what purpofe are we to endeavour to do any thing ? yes, we tauft be ftriving after the pardon of fn , although without Chrift we can-do nothing ; and,a bad tree cannot bring forth goodfruit, yet it is. to purpofe that, we be doing, for God l.ikes,well the exercife of the work of common gifts.; though they are not faving, and to eternal life, yet God likes the exercife of them fo far as there is any thing good and corn- mends them ; when that young man came to Chrift, Mar. x o. 2 r. Chrift lookduponhim and loved him, thoughnot with fuch a love as to fave him and .bring him to eternal life, yet God did difcover love, to fuch a one ; therefore it is to fame pur- pofe that a man fhould put himfclf on doing what he can, if it ke,only for that. - . It is: tofamepurpofe that the heart beftirring after God andChrzj,bccaufe hereby we fhall evidence that to arenotf) negligent of GodandChrift,and the things cf eternal life os we there before. ?. 't is to f me purpofe, for in theftir- ringof the common works ofGods Spirit, God many times comes in with faving.workr ; for _God works not upon- men as upon flocks or ftones, but God puts them on by furring up the common works of his Spirit, and at that time when they are moft in flirting' it, is .Geds ufual way to come in with the