Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gofpel saon. 2 05 the faving wcrks of his Spirit ; therefore it is not to no pur- pofe that we are putting on poor creatures to do what they can. The fecond Caution is this, That nhatfoevcr -any one doh infeefkingafter Chrif? before he him union with Chrift, it is not to be reckoned on ad the condition ofthe Covenant of Grace or a Gefel work; there are no preparatory works for the re-- ceivtng of Chrifl, that are the condition of the Covenant of grace ; though -they be fuck things as we muff follow after ; yet they are not the condition of the Covenant of grace.: Now that that is the condition of the Covenant of grace, fandifies him that hath it, and follows upon our union with CI-trill ; though God ufes to carry on the foul in the way of legal terrors, humiliations, and the like ; yet thei are not the work of the Covenant of grace ; and therefore this may help many a poor foul about terrors cf Confciençe and humiliations ; that are troubled that they never had tlaofe degrees as others have ; why as they do not prepare and fit thee for Chrif} ; fo the want of them is no hinderance to the receiving ofCI rifi. The third Caution is this that follows on the other, That though you put your (elves upon the tífe of all means to the receiving of Chrif, yet take heedyou do not reft inany of thole preparatory wo f, there's a great deal of danger in that many fouls miftake, and it is to be feared it is in this, the refling in fomething that they have done; it may be God has awakened their Confciences, and they fall upon work- ing, upon humbling and reforming themfelves, and here' they reft ; but this is a miftake, you mull not relic until you find you are in Chrift , and until there be an union with Chriítandyour fouls ; the work is not therefore done be- caufe you are humbled and reformed , and run another courte to what you d.d before,: for Rom. 9. f6.'Tis notof him that willeth, no of him that runneth, but of God that Pieweth mercy ; not of him that willeth; that is, that hath fome good aifec`fions to it ; nor of him that runneth, that is, though his endeavours be never: fo ftrong, yet 'Lis not of him neither ; many think they have peace in their fouls D d 3 upon